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Expert Insights on Website Best Practices & Learn to Create Custom Velo Interactions
Hide Empty CMS Fields in Wix
When CMS Fields are Empty, Use This Simple Code to Hide the Element From Your Dynamic Page.
Header Transition with Velo (2021)
Easily Create a Header Transition in Wix with This Simple Code.
Create Custom Login / Sign Up Pages with Velo
Learn to Create Custom Sign Up and Login Forms Using Velo
Collapsible Sections with Velo
Create a Simple Toggle Box Using Velo Code in Wix.
Input Animation with Velo
Create a Cool Animation Effect for Inputs When Users Click on the Input Element.
Tab Selection Section
Create a Simple Toggle Box in Wix Using Velo.
Dynamic Form Entry
Create a Lightbox Form that Dynamically Fills Form Inputs.
Dynamic Add-to-Cart Button for Custom E-commerce Stores
Create a Working Add-to-Cart Button on Your Custom Dynamic Product Pages.
Loop Next & Previous Buttons on Dynamic Pages
Once You Reach the End of the Database, Allow the Next Button to Loop to the First Item.
Hide Sections on Specific Dynamic Pages
Not All Dynamic Pages Need Every Section. Hide Unneeded Sections Using Velo.
Create a Lazy Loader in Wix
Use this Lazy Loader to Generate More Content for Your Repeater as the User Scrolls Down Your Website.
Dropdown Filters in Wix
Filter Repeater Using Dropdown Inputs with Velo.
Search Filter in Wix
Filter Repeaters with a Search Input Function Using Velo.
Header Transition in Wix (2022)
Create Different Header Designs and Transition Between Them on Scroll.
Search & Dropdown Filter in Wix
Filter Your Repeater with Search and Dropdown Inputs.
Number Count Up Effect with Velo
Learn to Add a Very Simple Number Counting Effect on Your Website.
Image Swap on Hover in Wix Studio
Create a Clean Effect That Swaps Images on Hover in Wix Studio.
Collapsible Sections with Multi-State Boxes
Create Your Own FAQ Section with Collapsible Dropdowns with Multi-State Boxes.
Custom Slideshow with Multi-State Boxes
Toggle Between Different States of a MultiState Box Using Velo.
Automated Slideshow in Wix Studio
Create an Automatic Slideshow in Wix Studio with a bit of Velo Code.
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